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Tag: armed groups

April 21, 2021

Minerva Researcher Paul Staniland to Publish Book on Armed Groups and Politics

In Ordering Violence, Paul Staniland creates a framework that ties together governments, insurgents, militias, and armed political parties in a shared framework

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Minerva-funded researchers new article on how extremists and hate groups exploited Covid-19 misinformation in 2020
By Rhys Leahy and Neil Johnson | July 21, 2021
This article shows that malicious COVID-19 content, including racism, disinformation, and misinformation, exploits the multiverse of online hate to spread quickly beyond the control of any individual social media platform. Minerva-funded researchers provide a first mapping of the online hate network across six major social media platforms.
Minerva-funded report referenced in Economist article
By | June 21, 2021
The Minerva-funded work by Bob Jervis and Jason Healey was quoted in the major Economist article this week on cyber and ransomware.

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