Tag: maritime piracy

Nov. 4, 2021

Minerva grant awardees were invited to speak to member countries of ReCAAP on Maritime Piracy

Minerva grant awardees were invited to speak to member countries of ReCAAP (The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combatting Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia) on "The Root Causes of Maritime Piracy and What Can Be Done About It?".

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Department of Defense Awards $28.7M in Grants for the FY2021 Minerva Research Initiative
By Toni DeVille | Feb. 25, 2022
DoD announced today awards of $28.7 million in grants to 17 university-based faculty teams through the FY2021 Minerva Research Initiative to support research in social and behavioral science.
Minerva-funded researchers recent publication, "Spiritual over physical formidability determines willingness to fight and sacrifice through loyalty in cross-cultural populations"
By Toni DeVille | Feb. 11, 2022
"Across 11 studies involving six countries from four continents (n=3,285), we extend insights from field investigations in conflict zones to offline and online surveys to show that personal spiritual formidability—the conviction and immaterial resources (values, strengths of beliefs, character) of a person to fight—is positively associated with the will to fight and sacrifice for others."

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