Tag: minerva funded research

Aug. 30, 2023

Developing a BRICS policy could help re-imagine U.S. foreign policy

Minerva-funded research team at Tufts University has been working on a multiyear Rising Power Alliances project that has analyzed the evolution of BRICS and the group’s relationship with the U.S. What they have found is that the common portrayal of BRICS as a China-dominated group primarily pursuing anti-U.S. agendas is misplaced.

July 24, 2023

New Minerva-funded article: The Fish That Ate an Agreement: How Migrating Mackerel Undermine International Fisheries Cooperation

A grant funded by the Minerva Research Initiative has resulted in a policy brief for the Carnegie Endowment for International Piece: The Fish That Ate an Agreement: How Migrating Mackerel Undermine International Fisheries Cooperation

March 29, 2022

Mia Bloom's new article "How fairy tales shape fighting spirit: Ukraine’s children hear bedtime stories of underdog heroes, while Russian children hear tales of magical success" published in The Conversation.

"The difference in traditional Russian and Ukrainian folklore might in part explain the difference between the Russian and Ukrainian armies’ performances".

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Combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Drives Local Actors to Engage in Piracy
By | Feb. 6, 2024
Minerva-funded researchers identify that when constraints are placed on illegal fishing at the local level, there is an increase in the likelihood of piracy attacks.
Northern Arizona University Highlights DECUR Project "AI Design Across Cultures"
By Toni DeVille | Feb. 1, 2024
The DECUR partnership between Northern Arizona University and the National Defense University seeks to examine cultural variation in the core components of AI.

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