Research Priorities

2024 Minerva Topics of Interest

Below represents the Minerva Research Initiative topics of interest for the 2024 funding competition. In framing any Minerva proposal, it is important to articulate the basic science contribution of the research proposed. It is expected that all proposals will have sufficient area and subject-matter experience to appreciate the nuances of diverse local contexts—including the (ethical) challenges posed by different value systems—and proposers are strongly encouraged to review the 2019 Future Directions in Social Science report on the Emergence of Problem-based Interdisciplinarity as a reference for the program’s strong interest in supporting projects that are disciplinarily diverse and committed to addressing problems in innovative ways. It is also expected that proposals utilize both qualitative and quantitative approaches and include validation strategies of the research findings and potential impacts. Further, the program is interested in how the theoretical and methodical approach of the proposed research is generalizable such that it could influence how similar problem sets are approached.

Successful proposals will in some clear way align with the most recent National Defense Strategy. In addition, there is strong interest in research proposals partnered with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Minority Serving Intuitions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and other appropriately diverse teams, such as Professional Military Education Institutions, especially as they contribute different perspectives on the social dynamics of the challenges posed below. 

See the complete NFO on for submission instructions.

Topic 1: Societal Cohesion and Conflict
Topic 2: Advancing Influence Measurement(s) 
Topic 3: Arctic at the Polar Crossroads
Topic 4: Cultural Resilience, Climate, and Human Security in Oceania
Topic 5: Social Impact of Technological Change
Topic 6: Deterrence and Competition across Military and Civilian Spheres

Minerva Topics of Interest (full description)

Future Directions in Social Science

The Future Directions Workshop series, sponsored by the Basic Research Office in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, seeks to examine emerging research areas that—in the natural and formal sciences—are most likely to transform future technology capabilities and—in the social sciences—innovatively inform about how the social world works.

Click the icon below to read the report

Future Directions in Social Science



Important Dates:

Minerva FY24 FOA

  • Nov. 15, 2024 - Last day for White Paper questions to Topic POCs
  • Nov. 29, 2024 - White Papers Due by 3:00 PM ET
  • Late January - Notification of initial evaluations of White Papers
  • Feb. 14, 2025 - Last day for Full Proposal questions to Topic POCs
  • Feb. 28, 2025 - Full Applications Due by 3:00 PM ET
  • Apr. 16, 2025 - Notification of selection for award