Tag: Artificial Intelligence

May 5, 2022

Minerva-USIP Peace and Security Fellow Casey Mahoney's new article "Shared Responsibility: Enacting Military AI Ethics in U.S. Coalitions"

"AI is making human judgment in war more, not less, important. This means the United States and its allies and partners will need to innovate together, focusing on more than broad ethical principles and technical solutions."

Aug. 28, 2020

New Owl in the Olive Tree post "Trust, Confidence, and Organizational Decisions about AI Adoption: The Impact for US Defense"

Minerva-funded researcher, Michael C. Horowitz's Owl in the Olive Tree post "Trust, Confidence, and Organizational Decisions about AI Adoption: The Impact for US Defense". Potentially rapid advances in autonomous systems and artificial intelligence (AI) raise important questions about how technology affects human behavior inside and outside the military domain. As ever, the effective adoption and use of emerging technologies is much more about people and organizations than about the technology itself.

Dec. 25, 2018

Artificial Intelligence and the Military: Technology Is Only Half the Battle

Horowitz, Michael, and Casey Mahoney. 2018. Artificial Intelligence and the Military: Technology Is Only Half the Battle. War on the Rocks. December 25.

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New Minerva-funded Publication, "How do we justify research into enhanced warfighters?"
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Minerva’s FY24 University Research Funding Opportunity is NOW OPEN!
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The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is interested in receiving proposals for the Minerva Research Initiative, a university-led defense social science program seeking fundamental understanding of the social and cultural forces shaping U.S. strategic interests globally.

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