Archive: December, 2018

Dec. 25, 2018

Artificial Intelligence and the Military: Technology Is Only Half the Battle

Horowitz, Michael, and Casey Mahoney. 2018. Artificial Intelligence and the Military: Technology Is Only Half the Battle. War on the Rocks. December 25.

Dec. 17, 2018

Owl in the Olive Tree post on "Radicalism and Cultural Homelessness"

Minerva-funded researchers Sarah Lyons-Padilla and Michele J. Gelfand submit the first Owl in the Olive Tree blog post on their research into "Radicalism and Cultural Homelessness". "Events like the 2015 Paris attacks, the 2015 San Bernardino shootings, the 2016 Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting, the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, and others since are seared into our memories. While many details of these attacks were different, they do have a striking commonality: these attacks were perpetrated by immigrant residents or citizens of the targeted country. Such tragedies raise a puzzling question: what would make someone turn against their own country?..." Read more

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Minerva-Funded Researchers Explore Gender Dynamics in Extremist Narratives
By Toni DeVille | July 26, 2024
Mia Bloom's new Minerva-funded publication, "Gender Bender Narratives: Radicalizing Effects of Disinformation That Threatens Gender-Normative Views", explores the role of gender in extremist and terrorist narratives, examining how gender dynamics influence recruitment, propaganda, and the operational strategies of these groups.
Minerva funded researchers received “Best Paper Runner Up” at the 2024 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference
By Toni DeVille | June 12, 2024
Minerva funded researchers, Jeongkeun Shin, L. Richard Carley, and Kathleen M. Carley received “Best Paper Runner Up” at the 2024 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24) which is an annual conference that covers state-of-the-art developments in Modeling & Simulation (M&S).

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