Archive: August, 2021

Aug. 16, 2021

Minerva-funded researchers reveal how contested waters have become maritime hot spots

In January, Nigerian-based pirates seized the MV Mozart, a large Liberian-flagged container ship heading to Cape Town, South Africa, from Lagos, Nigeria, as the ship sailed close to Sao Tome’s maritime border. Fifteen abducted officers and crew members were released in February after the shipping company paid a ransom, but one sailor died in the assault.

Aug. 3, 2021

Minerva-supported article on how AI/ML researchers think about policy and governance questions surrounding AI

Minerva-supported article on how AI/ML researchers think about policy and governance questions surrounding AI has now been published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. The Disruptive Effects of Autonomy: Ethics, Trust, and Organizational Decision-making

Aug. 3, 2021

Space Norms and U.S. National Security: Leading on Space Debris

It has been a busy few months for human activity in space. There is a new rover on Mars sending back jaw-dropping pictures and data. In May, a piece of debris from a Chinese rocket weighing 21 metric tons hurtled uncontrolled into the Indian Ocean. And Richard Branson just took matters into his own hands, flying to the edge of space on a Virgin Galactic spaceplane with Jeff Bezos hot on his heels.

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Minerva funded researchers received “Best Paper Runner Up” at the 2024 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference
By Toni DeVille | June 12, 2024
Minerva funded researchers, Jeongkeun Shin, L. Richard Carley, and Kathleen M. Carley received “Best Paper Runner Up” at the 2024 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24) which is an annual conference that covers state-of-the-art developments in Modeling & Simulation (M&S).
Department of Defense Awards $2.8 Million for Collaborative University Social Science Research Under the Minerva Research Initiative
By Toni DeVille | May 8, 2024
The Department of Defense today announced the selection of seven DoD–university faculty teams to pursue fundamental social science research through the FY 2023 Defense Education and Civilian University Research (DECUR) Partnership, a program under the department's Minerva Research Initiative.

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