Archive: April, 2021

April 28, 2021

Minerva funded researchers publish "India's multi-alignment management and the Russia–India–China (RIC) triangle" in International Affairs

Minerva researcher Mihaela Papa is co-author on a new article on Indian multi-alignment strategies and the Russia-India-China triangle in Foreign Affairs Magazine.

April 21, 2021

Minerva Researcher Paul Staniland to Publish Book on Armed Groups and Politics

In Ordering Violence, Paul Staniland creates a framework that ties together governments, insurgents, militias, and armed political parties in a shared framework

April 6, 2021

Kelly Sims Gallagher speaks with the South China Morning Post about climate tensions between the U.S. and China.

Kelly Sims Gallagher, tells the South China Morning Post that the US and China need to maintain an open dialogue.

April 2, 2021

The Military Is Funding Ethicists to Keep Its Brain Enhancement Experiments in Check

The military has long been interested in what medical ethicist Jonathan Moreno calls “the whole supersoldier business” — using technology to produce bionically or pharmaceutically superior warfighters. Moreno, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, is interested too. Specifically, in one question that keeps gnawing at him: How much can a soldier’s brain bear?

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New Minerva-funded Publication, "How do we justify research into enhanced warfighters?"
By Nicholas Evans | Nov. 13, 2024
New Minerva-funded research explores the ethical and regulatory challenges of enhancing warfighters' biological, physiological, and cognitive capacities.
Minerva’s FY24 University Research Funding Opportunity is NOW OPEN!
By Toni DeVille | Oct. 11, 2024
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is interested in receiving proposals for the Minerva Research Initiative, a university-led defense social science program seeking fundamental understanding of the social and cultural forces shaping U.S. strategic interests globally.

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